Accessibility Assessment

Our team conducts thorough accessibility audits to evaluate your website or digital platform. We assess your design, content, navigation, and multimedia to identify barriers and compliance gaps. Our comprehensive assessment provides detailed reports with recommendations for improving accessibility.

Website and Application Remediation

We offer professional remediation services to address accessibility issues identified during the assessment phase. Our experts ensure that your website or application adheres to Section 508 standards, making it compatible with assistive technologies and inclusive for all users. We address barriers related to navigation, forms, images, multimedia, and more.

Testing and Ongoing Support

We strongly believe in involving users with disabilities throughout the testing process. Our user testing and feedback services provide valuable insights from individuals who navigate the digital world with diverse abilities. We gather feedback, uncover usability issues, and iterate on designs to create an inclusive experience that meets users’ needs.

We understand that maintaining accessibility is an ongoing process. Our team provides ongoing support to ensure your digital platforms remain accessible. We help you incorporate accessibility into your design and development processes, monitor accessibility performance, and address emerging issues promptly. With our support, you can continuously enhance the accessibility of your digital assets.

Training and Education

To empower your team with accessibility knowledge and skills, we offer comprehensive training and educational programs. Our workshops, webinars, and online courses are tailored to meet the needs of developers, designers, and content creators. By educating your staff on accessibility best practices, we foster a culture of inclusivity within your organization.